Aesthetic dentistry is a new method approach toestablish wanted resultson our teeth, which aims to return the patients self-confidence and strengthen his or her social position. 

A beautiful bright smile has a positive effect on our surrounding.

Aesthetic dentistry

The primary priority of our clinic is to provide quality services in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Aesthetic dentistry is a new method approach toestablish wanted resultson our teeth, which aims to return the patients self-confidence and strengthen his or her social position. We offer our patients a wide range of aesthetic procedures: metal-free dental restoration (ceramic plates, metal free crowns, inlays etc.), services in the field of dental hygiene and teeth whitening.

Dental crowns based on zirconium

The latest achievements of modern aesthetic dentistry. Zircon is essentially a ceramic that has the following advantages:

Extremely aesthetic and very precise

Durable and heavy-duty

They do not contain metal and therefore may be used in the case of patients allergic to metal

These dental crowns penetrate light perfectly, so they look natural

For correcting minor defects of shape and colour the porcelain tooth surface is perfect. The biggest advantage of using these so-called veneers is unneeded removable of valuable tooth substance, just treat the tooth surface. Neither teeth whitening nor traditional techniques of cleaning do not show perfectly white teeth as when sticking porcelain veneers.

Within aesthetic dentistry, we offer our clients the following:

Composite white fillings in the front and back section of the mouth from the latest dental materials

Porcelain veneers for the treatment of discoloured front teeth

Metal-ceramic and ceramic crowns

Ceramic inlays

Teeth whitening

Zircon crowns, veneers

Aesthetic dentures

Ostatné naše služby


Endodoncia sa zaoberá ošetrením dreňovej dutiny zubov a koreňových kanálikov.


Prosthodontics primary task is to replace missing teeth, respectively all

Ultrasonic treatment

In our ambulance we bring a possibility of a minimal