Dental hygiene is an effective curing and preventive treatment of modern dentistry that helps maintain natural teeth in the mouth for a lifetime.

Your own teeth for life

Dental hygiene

Dental hygiene should be an integral part of our everyday lives. This does not mean traditional care of cleaningyour teeth twice a day, but professional care and cleaning done bya hygienist. This is not only a trend of today’s regular visit at a dental hygiene clinic but a must.

The latest medical findings show that poor conditions of the oral cavity are associated with serious health problems. Such as stroke, joint inflammation, cardiovascular events, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes and many more. Purity of the oral cavity greatly affects the overall health and immunity of every person.

Dental hygiene is a preventive measure to avoid an emergence of inflammatory diseases in the gums and teeth, and thedestruction of the apparatus leading to periodontitis – gum bleeding, tooth wobbling and loss of teeth. As we are not yet able to replace the fibbers that hold the tooth in the bone, the dental hygiene is a way to stop the destructive process or prevent it altogether. The treatment lasts a few tens of a minute and is painless.

Dental hygiene is an effective curing and preventive treatment of modern dentistry that helps maintain natural teeth in the mouth for a lifetime.

Professional dental hygiene includes:

Examination of dental status

Mentoring and training of domestic hygiene for children and adults

Professional removal of plaque and calculus - air flow, sanding

Advice on the means and tools of domestic oral hygiene

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Mechanical cleaning and polishing teeth

Clean teeth are an essential prevention of potential health complications. Even with the best effort, in compliance with all the rules on teeth care, the result is never perfect. Therefore, we recommend at least once every six monthsprofessional dental hygiene. We always try to do our best to meet every client’s requirements.

Clean teeth are never a threat and don’t cause problems, and everyone who knows this saves time, money and especially pain.

After removing the dental calculus the teeth remain rough. For the teeth to be smooth the hygienist uses sanders, which uses a powerful stream of water, air and a fine powder that perfectly smoothens the teeth surface, and removes the rest of the dental calculus and coatings. It also allows an effective removal offood, beverages and tobacco pigmentation. Your teeth are perfectly clean after this procedure, and an incomparably great feeling arises.

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Ultrasonic treatment

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