1. Purpose
The purpose of the complaints procedure is to make the relationship between the patient, the doctor and the dental technician transparent in connection with the complaint of stomatoprosthetic work.
2. Legality of the complaint
It is possible to complain about dental treatment, prosthetic dental replacements in connection with the material and functionality. The warranty period is in accordance with § 599, § 620, § 646 of amendment no. 150/2004 Coll. Civil Code 1 year. Warranty repairs and modifications are subject to a limited warranty period of 3 months.
3. Policy for accepting complaints
The patient claims the warranty for dental and prosthetic work at the entity where he ordered and paid for the dental replacement or procedure. The assessment of the complaint (defect) falls under the competence of the practitioner – the attending physician and the expert guarantor in dental technology if it is prosthetic work. After their approval, the claim can be accepted. The conditions for a claim are regular control of prosthetic work and preventive examinations at the dental clinic at least once every 6 months and good oral hygiene.
4. Unauthorized claims
It is not possible to complain about services related to a change in health status. The claim does not apply to defects caused by sports, injury and incorrect use of the dental prosthesis. Complaints do not apply to procedures (fillings, complications after surgical procedures) due to poor hygiene in the oral cavity.
Complaints cannot be made in the case of non-professional intervention in dental-technical restorations, in case of a change in the patient’s state of health.
It is not possible to complain:
Fixed prosthetics:
Fatigue and wear of metal friction and retention segments
Wear of plastic matrices in plug-in joints
Wear of friction segments of telescopic crowns
Fracture, cracking of the resin crown
Protective bridge (temporary bridge and crowns)
Additional change of the ordered color shade of the dental prosthesis
Abrasion of standard material
Mistakes associated with bruxism
Removable prosthetics:
Breaking off the wire arm of the buckle
Fracture of the prosthesis
Poor adhesion of the prosthesis
Mistakes associated with bruxism
Tartar deposition
Restorative dentistry:
Fillings (fillings) in case of large defects of dental tissues, after the attending physician has been notified of another solution (crown or other replacement)
Composite large fillings (white fillings) in case of poor oral hygiene
Fillings (fillings) after the expiration of the statutory period
Fillings (fillings) for large defects of dental tissues due to bruxism
Performances associated with the neglect of prescribed medicinal treatment
Performances in the concealment of serious aspects of the health condition
Complications with implants due to poor hygiene
Complications after surgical procedures due to poor oral hygiene
Temporary fillings of dental tissue defects
Temporary fixings of fixed restorations (crowns and bridges)
Teeth treated with a root filling, for which a crown or bridge replacement will not be made within 6 months
5. Deadlines for submitting and handling complaints
The patient is obliged to report the defect or complaint to the attending physician immediately within 10 working days at the latest. After recognition, the complaint must be received within 5 working days and handed over to the patient in the case of prosthetic work within the same period as the new prosthetic work was received within 15 working days at the latest.
6. General provisions
Dental technology archives in accordance with the concept of the field of dental technology, which is published in Vesník MZ SR no. 57/2006, professional documentation for 5 years. Each dental-technical replacement must be identifiable and the professional operator (natural person) or professional representative (operator-legal entity of dental technology) guarantees the technology and compliance with the code of ethics listed in Annex no. Act of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic no. 578/2004 Coll. on health care providers, health workers, professional organizations in the health sector and in the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic no. 542/2005 on the scope of practice in some medical permits.